Watching my mom go through breast cancer was one of the hardest times of my life… knowing there was nothing I could do to comfort her left me feeling helpless. So when she said she wanted to start “My Hope Bag” and help other women through their journey, I did everything in my power to get her started. I feel incredibly blessed to have co-founded this organization with my mom… and even more blessed to see how many women we’ve been able to support since we began. No one should have to face something like breast cancer alone.
In the beginning, I wore many, many hats. Now that we have some incredible volunteers on our team, my main role with My Hope Bag is coordinating all of our events and promoting them via social media. I also help with the website, advertising, volunteer training and bag deliveries, as needed.
I am a Kindergarten teacher. I absolutely LOVE my day job and am so blessed to be able to say that. I am a single mom of one seriously incredible young man. When I’m not planning lessons, playing video games or building LEGO structures, I can usually be found shopping at Target or working on DIY projects I’ve pinned on Pinterest.